Using teaching as inquiry to inform an e-learning action plan - the process, the outcomes and the plans for 2012
Below is an overview of our ICT PD plans for 2011, outcomes and our plans for 2012. This was originally written for milestone reporting purposes, but hopefully it provides a view of our ICT PD journey - where we came and where we are heading to. If you are interested in seeing more about our ICT PD programme you can check our group on the Ministry of Education (NZ) Virtual Learning Network (VLN). Epsom Girls Grammar School on the VLN Background and Context Year level: Years 9-13 Cluster type: Single School Cluster Context: Large Decile 9 Girls Secondary School Research model used:Teaching as Inquiry Aims and Purpose The intention of using a Teaching as Inquiry cycle to inform an 'E-Learning Action Plan', was to provide staff across the curriculum areas with a tool and a process to guide their integration of e-learning tools and strategies (ICTPD National Goal 3) in way that was directly related to student outcomes. It was hoped that this process wou