An open letter to our incoming Prime Minister the Hon. Chris Hipkins
Dear Chris Hipkins, As the incoming Prime Minister I know you are prioritising getting back to basics, to clearing the decks and focusing on what really matters. With this in mind, and off the back of three years of leading a school through a pandemic, I hope you look to education and the opportunities for parring back and prioritising a few key changes rather than tsunami of changes we currently face. It would be a win, win, win - for the government balance sheet, teacher wellbeing and ultimately student success. We all know that doing less better is the key to powerful and successful change. I have already written about my concerns regarding the waves of educational change that is about to wash through the educational landscape and until recently was convinced it was simply a matter of prioritising the NZC refresh before we focus in the NCEA change package , and whilst I still believe this is necessary, looking more closely as the timeline and strategy for the NZC refresh it has