
Showing posts from April, 2024

EDUCATION - Where there are things that other countries have done well, we should steal it!

Source: NEWSHUB.CO.NZ In an interview with NewsHub on Monday the Prime Minister Christopher Luxon said his Coalition Government has set some ambitious goals they want New Zealanders to focus on and will take inspiration from other countries to achieve them. "We are here to improve the country by these targets and as a result, we look at whatever is working around the world," Luxon said. He talked about three countries in particular due to them being a similar size and examples of success. Going so far as to say “Where there are things that other countries have done well, we should steal it!” Concerns about " used futures " put to one side, let's investigate this idea a little further. So who were the three counties he named? Estonia, Ireland and Singapore. So that got me thinking, what does education look like in these countries? And when and how do we start our plundering?  Singapore: Holistic Education: Emphasising the development of students' character,