NZTC Review Proposal - here's my response, what's yours???
Here's my response for it's worth - not expecting everyone to agree...I don't even agree with myself sometimes. How is your response going??? Due in here on Sunday 14th June.
What should be the focus and responsibilities of a body created to lead the
development of the education profession?
The focus and responsibilities of the body should be: professional
development, appraisal, registration, research and promotion.
Professional Development – This is the most important area
of focus for the NZTC, and at present the most under-represented. The NZTC
needs to be providing a greater variety of interactive professional development
resources and opportunities. Resources are available, but even these are untapped
by most. The NZTC needs to explore ways to bring their approaches into the 21st
century and explore how it could be utilising online environments to create
ways for teachers to engage in ongoing professional development. This might
include the development of an interactive ‘teaching as inquiry’ planner and
support material. This could also include the development of fully funded MOOCs
related to specific RTCs, so as to provide anytime anyway personal professional
development. This could also include exploration of how the NZTC could provide
professional development communities in online spaces such as the VLN - the
‘Enabling e-learning’ sector of the MoE already do this very effectively.
Appraisal Support – See suggestions in number 6.
Registration – This should continue to be a central role of
the NZTC.
Research/Publications – It would be great to see the NZCER
and NZTC come together under a wider NZ education umbrella to facilitate and
promote ongoing research in NZ. If the NZTC were to develop an online ‘Teaching
as Inquiry’ tool this could also provide an ongoing source of action research
and snapshots of best practice.
What needs to be included in the name of the professional body to reflect its
strengthened role?
Educational Council of New Zealand – If one of the
intentions of the NZTC review is to put educators on an even footing with
doctors and the like, I would suggest adopting a title that mirrors the Medical
Association and would suggest an expanded purpose that is to support both
teachers and educational leaders.
In what aspects should the body be accountable to the profession and on what
issues should it be accountable to the Government?
I believe the body should be accountable in the aspects of
professional support and promotion. The NZTC should see themselves as not only
a mechanism for registration, but as a body that provides professional
development and support for all educators to ensure they not only meet but exceed
the standards outlined in the RTCs. They should also be actively promoting the
importance of educators to developing our national health/well-being and
It should be accountable to the government in that it should
be seen to be providing support, guidance and protection of teachers.
What skills, knowledge and experience should be required on the board governing
a professional body for education?
The board should be made up of experts from within the
sector (Researchers, University sector, Ex and present Principals, Middle
Leaders and Teachers) as well as a representative from each of the other
national councils e.g. Medical Council, so as to enable cross-sector pollination
of best council practice.
A high quality, high status professional body needs to be resourced adequately.
In light of the fees required by other professional bodies, what are your
thoughts on membership fees and what you might expect in return?
The fees at present seem appropriate. What is variable is
the expectation for school or educator to pay these fees. It would be great to
see a policy in place that saw schools paying part of the fees, particularly as
a reward for long-term service to the school or that the cost of registration
decreased the longer you serve.
return for these fees I would expect to get more online services, research and
support available.
It would be great to see the NZTC also setting aside funds
for educators completing higher qualifications such as Masters of Education and
Educational Leadership. At present these are expensive and prohibitively so for
many. I would suggest that the NZTC could highlight areas that they would wish
to see more research conducted on and offer grants and/scholarships to
educators completing the Masters studies focusing on these areas. This would be
a win win – adding to our pool of research whilst up-skilling our educators of
What changes should be made to the current registration and practising
certificate processes?
Registration and practising certificate processes should
remain as they are in terms of timing. An area that needs to be developed is the
way in which teachers are expected to gather evidence of meeting the RTCs. At
present there are many schools working in isolation trying to digitise this
process. I would suggest that the NZTC works with MyPortfolio or N4L to develop
an online infrastructure that would easily allow all educators to develop
online portfolios of their practice. This could involve a blog like structure
where educators could reflect on their practice, embedding in video, image,
voice or written media that are then tagged with the appropriate RTCs.
Interactive rubrics could be developed that would allow for educators and their
appraisers to feedback on progress made on specific elements of RTCs. This
portfolio would exist outside specific school environments, allowing teachers to
develop an ongoing portfolio throughout their career as they move from school
to school.
This could also provide online links to professional
development resources or each of the RTCs, so as to also be a source of
professional support for educators.
I would suggest that this could also be integrated with an
online ‘teaching as inquiry’ tool which enabled educators to inquire into their
practice as part of their ongoing professional development and link it back to
their appraisal process.
What changes should be made to the process of assessing a teacher’s competence
against the Registered Teacher Criteria?
See above.
What are your views on the proposal to introduce an Authority to Educate to
allow for more flexibility to employ people with specialist skills alongside
registered teachers?
I suspect this will actually devalue the status of
registered teachers. At present outside specialists can come in alongside
registered teachers. I believe this should continue to be the case if we are to
protect and elevate the status of registered New Zealand educators.
What other observations and recommendations would you like to make?
Under no
circumstances should NZTC support performance pay. Performance pay is a
commercial business model that does not belong in the world of education. It
would be divisive, counter-productive and impossible to deliver fairly. What
would be interesting would be the exploration of ways that teachers’ levels of
collaboration and sharing of best practice could be rewarded instead. If there
was going to be any kind of specific pay/reward system, there should be an
expectation that there is an element of service expected in return. For
example, identified ‘expert educators’ would be expected to share their
practice, and lead sector wide professional development.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Claire. I enjoy your willingness to be so transparent and collaborative. You've inspired me to do likewise so here's a link to a google doc with my comments: