Weekly e-learning Update - K12 Online and Google Docs short cuts!

Learning Over Lunch
This week’s session was on ‘Introduction to student’s collaborating on Google Docs’. Check out the online version

I am also in the process of putting together a one page handout for staff and students which will provide step-by-step instructions on how to:
• Create a Google Document
• Upload a document to Google Docs
• How to share a document
• How to comment on a shared document
• How to view a revision history of a document

Next week’s Learning Over Lunch session will take place on Wednesday (available online Thursday)
Topic: ‘Introduction to creating a quiz or survey on Google Docs’

Professional Viewing Recommendation
K12 Online 10
Over last few weeks and next week there is a completely free ICT PD conference taking place!
K12 Online invites participation from educators around the world interested in innovative ways Web 2.0 tools and technologies can be used to improve learning. This FREE conference is run by volunteers and open to everyone. The 2010 conference theme is "Cultivating the Future." This year’s conference began with a pre-conference keynote the week of October 11, 2010. The following two weeks, October 18 and October 25, forty presentations will be posted online for participants to view, download, and discuss.

Check out the link
here to see the schedule for upcoming presentations and for links to presentations that have already taken place:

Presentation Spotlight
‘Leveraging the Power of Blogs and Wikis in Student Learning’

This presentation looks at how students in a senior Physics class are using a combination of wikis and blogs to enrich their learning. It presents a really useful model for integrating ICT strategies that are readily available to us through Moodle and Google apps such as Google Sites and Blogger – a must watch for anyone looking for ideas for 2011!
You can also access a range of supporting documents for the K12 Online website.

Top Tech Tips
Problems in Google docs?
Having trouble with Google docs at school (i.e. the cursor being in the wrong place)
Try opening up Google Docs through Mozilla Firefox rather than Internet Explorer – this seems to help.

Google Docs shortcuts
Try these short cuts to save time on hunting around the tool bars!
Select all - Ctrl+A
Bold – Ctrl+B
Copy – Ctrl+C
Italicize- Ctrl+I
Insert link - Ctrl+K
Print - Ctrl+P
Save - Ctrl+S
Underline - Ctrl+U
Paste - Ctrl+V
Cut - Ctrl+X
Undo - Ctrl+Z
Redo - Ctrl+Y


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