Taking the Core features of Google Apps to the next level - free PD for teachers!

Taking the Core features of Google Apps to the next level
- a free online professional development seminar!

Date and time: 8 December 2010 13:30, New Zealand Daylight Time (Wellington, GMT+13:00)
Program: Google Apps for Education Professional Development
Duration: 1 hour
Description: Taking the Core features of Google Apps to the next level.
Skill level: Intermediate
Lead by Michael Wacker, Google Apps for Education Certified Trainer and Google Certified Teacher

We will explore 5 "killer" features to be used in a K-12 setting in 5 Google tools. Take your Google astuteness to the next level. Join us to learn tips and tricks on Search, Documents, Forms/Spreadsheets, Sites, and Calendar.

Click here to register!


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